Bennfield Surgery
Bennfield Surgery
Bennfield Surgery
Bennfield Surgery 

NHS Services

We are pleased to provide a range of comprehensive NHS services such as:

  • General NHS Consultations with our experienced GP's, Nurse Practitioner and Nurses.
  • Antenatal Clinics.
  • Baby Clinics - to provide comprehensive care for your baby and infant including all recommended immunisations.
  • Diabetic clinics.
  • Coronary Heart Disease clinics.
  • Asthma and lung disease clinics.
  • Blood pressure monitoring.
  • Smoking cessation clinics.
  • Contraception - including emergency contraception and coil fitting.
  • IAPT appointments (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies)

Enhanced Access

From 01 October 2022, each Primary Care Network is required to provide enchanced access appointments between the hours of 6.30pm and 8pm Monday to Friday and between 9am and 5pm on Saturdays. 


Appointments can be booked by contacting the surgery and can be made for routine appointments with a GP or Nurse.

Home Visits

If you are too ill to come to the surgery, or are house-bound, please phone the surgery before 10.30am to request a home-visit.  


You may be asked for some details so that we can determine the urgency of the visit.


Before the Doctor visits, please ensure that your home is easily identifiable from the road and is safe (e.g. dogs shut away; dogs often misinterpret examinations on their owner as an attack and therefore must be shut away in another room). If the Doctor does not deem it safe, the visit will be cancelled until such a time that it is safe. 

Family Planning Advice

Family planning advice is offered to appropriate patients within normal surgery appointments and includes all types of contraceptive advice. 


Please visit Sexual Health Warwickshire online or phone 0300 123 6644 (option 2) for the latest information on sexual health clinic appointments available outside of the surgery. 


Testing kits are available online by visiting the Sexual Health Warwickshire page. 


Information about Community Family Planning Clinics can also be found on the Sexual Health Warwickshire website. 


Minor Surgery

The Doctor may advise removal of moles, warts, toenails, etc. This can be done within the surgery in our treatment room. During this appointment, a Doctor and Nurse or Healthcare Assistant will be present. 


The Doctor may request an ECG be carried out following your consultation. This can be done in the surgery and is usually carried out by a member of the Nursing team. The Doctor will review the ECG and determine the best course of action.  

Health Checks

You may make an appointment with one of the Nurse or the Healthcare Assistant to have a health check.


Invitations are sent out regularly by the Health Authority for you to see a Nurse for your cervical smear or for a general health check.


We encourage all patients to accept these invitations, to take an interest in looking after themselves and to keep healthy. 

Stop Smoking Service


Fitter Futures Warwickshire offer free help and support to stop smoking. They offer:

  • 12 weeks of one-to-one support
  • Help with managing cravings and withdrawal symptoms
  • Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products.
  • Getting Smoking Free App
  • Delivered by a specialist stop smoking practitioner

You can access this service by phoning 0333 005 0092, texting QUIT to 60777 or by completing the self-referral form on their website at: Stop Smoking Service - Fitter Futures - Warwickshire (

Private Services

We also provide a range of private medical services including:

  • Travel advice and immunisations for foreign travel

Primary Care Network (PCN)

Bennfield Surgery is 1 of 12 surgeries within the same Primary Care Network. The PCN consists of GP practices working together, along with other healthcare staff and organisations, providing integreated services to the local population. 


Each PCN is given a sum of money and it is up to the PCN to determine how best to spend that money, depending on the needs of the area. 


Our PCN has employed a variety of PCN staff to ease the pressures from GPs and to bridge the gap between GP and Hospital referrals. 


Some of the staff already employed are:


  • Pharmacist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Dietitian
  • Social Prescibing Link Worker
  • Mental Health Link Worker
  • Pharmacy Technician


Some of the services offered above are directly bookable by our Reception staff and you may be offered an appointment with one of the PCN staff rather than a GP when phoning for an appointment. 


How to contact us

Bennfield Surgery

Hilton House

Corporation Street


CV21 2DN


Tel: 01788 540860


Opening hours: 

Monday-Friday, 08:30am - 06.00pm


Prescription requests:

Order your prescription online here.


Do we hold the correct contact details for you? If not, please contact Reception 

We are unable to book appointments via email. Please either phone the surgery or come in to the surgery to book your appointment. 


Out of Hours

Outside of normal working hours, please contact the NHS out of hours service by phone on 111. 


NHS 111 can help if you need urgent medical help or if you’re not sure what to do. They will ask you questions about your symptoms, so you get the most appropriate help. You can also get help from their website:


In the event of a medical emergency call 999





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