Bennfield Surgery
Bennfield Surgery
Bennfield Surgery
Bennfield Surgery 

Patient Participation Group (PPG)


The Patient Participation Group (PPG) (previously known as the Patient Reference Group) is a group of patients, carers and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to help improve the service provided by the Practice.  It’s role at Bennfield Surgery is:

  • Being a critical friend to the practice
  • Advising the practice on the patient perspective and providing insight into the responsiveness and quality of services
  • Encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their family’s health
  • Carrying out research into the views of those who use the practice
  • Organising health promotion events and improving health literacy
  • Regular communication with the patient population.


The current Chairperson of the PPG is Martin Saxby, who can be contacted via the Office General Manager: 


Other members of the PPG are: Christine Batchelor, George Baxter, Terry Bell, Danuta Freeman,Eileen Head, Cathy Heatley, Carole Jarman, Anne Jones, Naz Malik, Fiona Philips and Eric Wood.


How to contact us

Bennfield Surgery

Hilton House

Corporation Street


CV21 2DN


Tel: 01788 540860


Opening hours: 

Monday-Friday, 08:30am - 06.00pm


Prescription requests:

Order your prescription online here.


Do we hold the correct contact details for you? If not, please contact Reception 

We are unable to book appointments via email. Please either phone the surgery or come in to the surgery to book your appointment. 


Out of Hours

Outside of normal working hours, please contact the NHS out of hours service by phone on 111. 


NHS 111 can help if you need urgent medical help or if you’re not sure what to do. They will ask you questions about your symptoms, so you get the most appropriate help. You can also get help from their website:


In the event of a medical emergency call 999





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