Bennfield Surgery
Bennfield Surgery
Bennfield Surgery
Bennfield Surgery 


Diabetic Reviews (updated 01 May 2024)


Here at the practice, we are constantly reviewing our processes to try and increase both efficiency and increase convenience for patients and clinicians alike.


With this in mind, we are changing the way that we conduct our diabetes reviews. This is in part due to the fact that currently, there is quite a high rate of non-attendance at diabetes reviews, which wastes a nurse appointment, and when people do have an appointment, sometimes they have not got all of the necessary tests they need.


The change in process is as follows:


  • When your diabetes review is due, you will receive a text or a phone call informing you that your blood forms and the urine pot for the urine test is now due for collection at the surgery. We will also send you a text or phone you to ask for some information including an up-to-date blood pressure reading and your weight.


  • Once the blood tests, the urine test and the weight and blood pressure information are all collected, we will then book a review with a clinician for you. I am afraid that we are not able to book reviews until the necessary tests and measurements are in.


I hope this change in practice improves both efficiency for the practice as well as convenience for our diabetic patients alike.


Dr C Williams

Pre-Diabetes Patient Information
Pre Diabetes Pt Info.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [607.5 KB]
Type-2 Diabetes Patient Information
Type 2 Diabetes Pt Info.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [616.0 KB]

How to contact us

Bennfield Surgery

Hilton House

Corporation Street


CV21 2DN


Tel: 01788 540860


Opening hours: 

Monday-Friday, 08:30am - 06.00pm


Prescription requests:

Order your prescription online here.


Do we hold the correct contact details for you? If not, please contact Reception 

We are unable to book appointments via email. Please either phone the surgery or come in to the surgery to book your appointment. 


Out of Hours

Outside of normal working hours, please contact the NHS out of hours service by phone on 111. 


NHS 111 can help if you need urgent medical help or if you’re not sure what to do. They will ask you questions about your symptoms, so you get the most appropriate help. You can also get help from their website:


In the event of a medical emergency call 999





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